Your safety and wellbeing

Reliable advice and support, whenever you need it

We’ve put together a list of useful links that you might find helpful, whether you need help now or simply want to know what’s available to you as a Samphire Homes tenant. Remember, your County Council website will also be able to provide more information on safeguarding concerns. 

If we can’t help you, we can point you in the right direction.

If you or someone else is at immediate risk of harm, call 999

Scam calls and visits

When you’re speaking with someone about your home, tenancy or rent, you want to be sure your details are being treated privately and respectfully. Unfortunately, sometimes you might receive a call from someone who is fraudulently asking for your information – a scam call.

When you get a call from Samphire we’ll always tell you our name and where we’re calling from. Then, we’ll ask you a security question to confirm who you are.

When we visit you at home, we’ll always provide ID when on arrival – there's even a number on the back that you can call to verify our identity.

If a different company is working on our behalf we’ll either send you a letter to confirm this or ask the representative to have a letter with them to show you when they arrive at your home.

If something seems suspicious, such as the person not being able to give a clear reason for the call or visit, or they ask for information that you know Samphire already know, hang up the phone or close the door and contact us directly.

Preventing bed bugs

Bed bugs are small insects that are visible to the naked eye and often live on furniture or bedding. Their bites may be itchy and cause skin irritation, but they’re not considered to be dangerous. It’s important that you take steps to prevent an infestation, as once they’ve established a presence in your home, it can me more difficult to get rid of them.

You can find out more about how to spot the signs and prevent bed bugs in the leaflet below, and if you think they may be in your home please report it to us as soon as possible.

Staying fire safe

For many of us our home is where we feel most safe and secure, however there are around 37,000 house fires in the UK every year!

From testing your smoke alarms regularly and keeping escape routes clear, to having an evacuation plan in mind, there are many ways we can stay fire safe at home. Find out more about preventing a fire and what we're doing to keep you safe below.

Avoiding slips and trips

Falls at home are the biggest cause of accidents that result in people having to go to A&E, and it's children under five and adults over 65 who are most at risk.

Slips and trips can often happen, but from making sure cables are tucked away to ensuring you wear suitable footwear, there are many things you can do to make sure you and your family are safe.

Financial abuse

Scams and fraud

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